Based on Danielle MacKinnon's Book, Soul Contracts
1. Why do you call them Soul Contracts?
Soul contract energies are much more intense than just a bad habit. They have adhered to you at the deepest possible level of the Soul. They are also binding energies. Once you’ve taken them on, you cannot simply decide, “OK, I’m done with these!” and be done with it. You must go through a process to learn the lesson behind them before releasing them. They are binding in the same manner as a legal contract.
2. How are the Soul Contracts you’re discussing different from those I know about?
Most people consider a Soul Contract a binding agreement between a person and their Soulmate. The Soul Contracts we are discussing also relate to your Contracts with others, but more importantly, to the Contracts you have made with yourself and Spirit.
3. Are my Soul Contracts predestined?
You have Soul Contracts because of the Soul Lessons your Soul determined you need to learn during this lifetime; however, which Soul Contracts you choose to help you learn these lessons are not predetermined. Instead, your contracts are based on your reactions to your experiences and emotions.
4. How do I avoid making more Soul Contracts?
The Simple answer is to keep yourself clear, calm, and grounded. Focus on having a solid foundation.
Remember to call on and trust your Guide Team for guidance.
Do not make decisions when you are activated and in an emotional state. If you can help it, it will help you stay connected to your intuition as you make decisions for your greatest and highest good.
5. Does anyone have no Soul Contracts at all?
Soul Contracts represent areas that we need to work on to evolve spiritually. When someone has mastered all of their Soul Lessons, they will have no more Soul Contracts and no longer need to evolve. In other words, someone without any Soul Contracts will have done all their spiritual work and reach the state of enlightenment we are all working toward. This person would no longer need to take part in human lifetimes.
6. How do you know when you are done with a Soul Contract or a Root Belief System?
The effects of mastering a Soul Contract or Root Belief System manifest in both your inner being and your external environment. You may feel better, have more confidence, feel happier, or speak up more; you may also get the job you wanted, experience unconditional love, or find the support you have been looking for.
Completion is about learning, mastering, and then allowing your energy fields to shift.
As that occurs inside you, your world will reflect it.
7. Does it take both people to dissolve a Soul Contract?
Mastering your Soul Contract with another person doesn’t require your partner to master their end as well. Your completion is not dependent on their completion, and vice versa.
8. Do we have different Contracts with the same Souls but in different lives?
Our Souls reincarnate in Soul Groups. This means you will experience life with the same Souls in some lifetimes. Since many Soul Contracts are pre-birth agreements, you will create Soul Contracts with the same Souls.
However, the contracts themselves may be very different. If you don’t complete a Soul Contract in one life, it doesn’t mean you must have the same Soul Contract with the same partner in another life. Pre-birth Soul Contracts are intended to help you learn.
If the agreement didn’t work in one life, your Soul will help you find another way to help you with that lesson in the next life.
9. Can I have a soul contract with my pet?
You have a Soul Contract with every animal you’ve ever come into contact with, and what’s even more exciting is that the Soul Contracts with your pets will support the lifetime Soul Contracts you’re already working on. It’s like everything and everyone is conspiring to help
you live and feel the best you possibly can.
10. How do my Soul Contracts affect the people around me?
You’re probably already becoming aware that your Soul Contracts and Seed Thoughts affect your relationships. For example, someone who constantly over-gives will create relationships in which they are always expected to over-give.
I’ve never met anyone whose relationships were not formed and continually touched by their Soul Contracts.
As you will see, it is impossible to choose a friend, a lover, or even a boss without having your Soul System guide that choice. This is why it is so important to have a healthy Soul System.
11. Will all my relationships change as I work on my Soul Contracts?
Yes, all your relationships will change as you work on your Soul Contracts and Seed Thoughts.

This is not because you intentionally change your relationships but because approaching yourself and your life from a new vantage point will cause all your relationships to evolve. Some will break apart, while others will become more bonded and deeper.
In the long run, all these relationship changes are for your and everyone else’s greatest and highest good.
12. Can you have more than one Seed Thought in your Root Belief System?
Yes, Seed Thoughts often appear in twos or threes. For example, someone whose Seed Thought says I’m unsafe or unsupported might also have a Seed Thought that says I’m not worthy. We tend to be very thorough when we create our Seed Thoughts!
Luckily, as you work on one Seed Thought, it often addresses the other Seeds in the Root Belief System and can be easily released.
13. Is it a Seed Thought or a Soul Contract challenging me?
It's very easy to figure out what you are dealing with. A Seed Thought is a deeply held, Soul-Level, negative belief that you have about yourself, while a Soul Contract is a deal you make with yourself to avoid experiencing that belief.
If the energy you’re looking at is more of an action (“I must stay invisible” or “I must not speak up”), you’re looking at a Soul Contract.
If the energy you’ve identified is a belief or an idea about yourself, such as
(“I’m not good” or “I’m a failure”), then it is a Seed Thought that is challenging you.
14. What does it mean to master a Soul Contract?
When you master a Soul Contract, you have understood and learned the lesson from your Seed Thoughts and subsequently released the Seeds, the Contract, and all the Root Belief System.
15. What happens when I release my current Soul Contracts?
People who have mastered their Soul Contracts and Seed Thoughts experience a new level of living. Those who struggle with Soul Contracts who have not felt supported and protected will often experience a huge increase in the support and the abundance around them.
For example, that could mean making new friends, finding the love of your life, making more money, or receiving a claim for a job well done. What you experience as a result of your work will be different from what others experience because the results are completely dependent on each individual's work.
16. How do you prevent the fear of repeating the same lesson after mastering a Soul Contract?
If you fear making the same mistake, then you haven’t mastered the Contract.
Mastery is a true command.
It's not just about understanding the lesson; it's about getting the lesson and embodying it. When you embody all you have learned, there will be no fear of repeating the challenge or making the same mistake. Additionally, you don’t beat yourself up if you choose to follow your old pattern rather than the new one.
17. When I have difficulty working with my Soul Contracts, how do I keep from second-guessing everything I do?
If you’re not making any headway on your Roof Belief System, it's time to step back and look at what might be getting in the way. Perhaps you should address a different Root Belief System first.
Trusting yourself, believing that you can make good decisions, and relying on your intuition are good places to begin working. Once you have mastered that part, you can move on to your other stuff.
18. What if I break the wrong Soul Contract?
Because of how the Soul Contracts work, it is impossible to break the wrong one. It’s a fool-proof system!
All Soul Contracts are there for you to learn from. Trust that the things bothering you the most right now, (The Soul Contract Blocks), are surfacing because the time is right for you to understand, master, and release them.
19. Can a Soul Contract be the cause of an illness?
Yes. This is a Bump Contract, but not all sickness is caused by a Bump Contract. Some Seed Energy manifests directly in a related body part, but many will not be tied to an ailment.
20. Can a challenge be comprised of multiple Contracts?
Yes, getting through this involves identifying several Root Belief Systems. Identifying these will be the key to your success in Soul Contract work, although it is not necessary to identify all of them at once. Begin with the most overwhelming or negative, and the rest will follow. Trust your Guide Team and the Universe to reveal each Contract appropriately.

21. What happens if I give up because the Contract is too hard?
When you stop addressing a particular Soul Contract or Root Belief System, the world doesn’t wait for you to get your motivation back. The challenges caused by those contracts will not only continue- they will grow bigger and bigger until you finally give in and go back to working on them.
22. What will happen if I don’t want to work on my Soul Contracts?
Some people want to know their Soul Contracts, but they are not ready to work on them. Some people only want to work on their Soul Contracts superficially. And then, some folks don’t want to know anything about their Soul Contracts; they want their inner pain to end. These people’s systems will only get bigger, harder, and more challenging.
For example, if you ignore the fact that you feel afraid to speak up, you’ll run into bigger and bigger issues with more and more dire consequences until you finally address your fear of speaking up. This is not a punishment- it's simply a big signal.
It's easy to ignore a small signal, but when something is flashing in your eyes and blaring over a loudspeaker, you will eventually get fed up and address it.
23. Are there Soul Contracts that only exist to teach me to be happy?
Yes. You might’ve created a Soul Contract to help you see that you can be happy. You deserve to be happy, and being happy is not selfish. There are many Soul Contracts around being happy.
24. When I have a Soul Contract with another person (a Pre-Birth Soul Contract), will I always feel uncomfortable with that person, or can I feel completely at ease with them?
How you feel regarding that person depends on what you are supposed to learn from them. Perhaps you’re supposed to learn how to be more assertive. This person might put you in a situation where you have to stand up for yourself, or they might model how to have beautifully clear boundaries so that you learn by observing.
Perhaps you are in awe of your friend and question whether you will ever learn to stand up for yourself as well as they do.
This Contract won't manifest as negativity between you, but you might still feel insecure.
Your discomfort is a sign of your growth.
25. Is there any particular ceremony for destroying my Soul Contracts?
Many clearing rituals- such as burning parchment papers with the Contracts written on them- claim to clear Soul Contracts. Rituals work because the person doing the ceremony did all the emotional and energetic work leading up to it and mastered the accompanying energies.
In other words, the ritual is a meaningful marker for the end of a lesson- but without the inner work, the ritual is ineffective. You must master the lesson.
26. Should I continue a not-so-healthy relationship to prove that I can love unconditionally or move on to prove my worthiness?
Mastering your Soul Contracts is the way to your greatest and highest good. Staying in a not-so-healthy relationship to prove you can love unconditionally would mean not loving yourself unconditionally. You’re not acting for your own greatest and highest good.
When you make choices for your own greatest and highest good, it is for the greatest and the highest good of all. Additionally, Soul Contracts will cause you to feel like you must prove something. When you discover the emotions and energy underlying those Soul Contracts, you’ll realize you don’t have anything to prove to anyone. You are your light, no matter what.
27. Do I need to know who I was in a past life to work on my Contracts? Should I do a Past-Life Regression before doing this work?
Although some Soul Contracts and Seed Thoughts are formed in past lives, it is unnecessary to delve into or even believe in past lives to do this work. We live in the now, so let's work in the now and address the current challenges, Seed Thoughts, and Soul Contracts.
28. Will this work give me a greater understanding of my purpose?
This is such a popular question! The answer is, indirectly, yes. But, directly, no.
The point of this work is to clear out the energies standing in the way of you feeling clear, competent, good, whole, valuable, pure, supported, and so on.
As you release the energies, you will feel more confident and more able to act on the intuitive urges guiding your purpose for being.

Soul Contract Classes coming up!
As we conclude our exploration into the profound world of Soul Contracts, I'm thrilled to announce two upcoming opportunities designed to deepen your understanding and help you release binding energies. Whether you are a returning participant eager to build on your previous experiences or a new explorer ready to embark on this transformative journey, these classes are tailored to meet you at your level of understanding and guide you further along your spiritual path.
As we close this enlightening exploration of soul contracts, I am excited to invite you to the foundational gateway of your spiritual journey: Soul Contract 0: The Beginning... class. Whether you're new to the concept of soul contracts or looking to refresh your foundational knowledge, this class is designed to set the stage for deeper exploration and understanding.
In Soul Contract 0: The Beginning..., we will embark on a journey back to the basics, where you'll learn the essential concepts and frameworks that underpin the intricate world of soul contracts. This class is perfect for those who wish to start their exploration on solid ground, ensuring a thorough comprehension of the fundamental principles.
Dive into a curriculum that balances theoretical insights with practical applications, all aimed at providing you with the tools you need to navigate your soul's contracts effectively. This is your chance to build or rebuild the foundation that will support your ongoing spiritual development.
Don't miss this opportunity to begin your exploration or strengthen your understanding at the root. Join Soul Contract 0: The Beginning... and take the first step towards unlocking the mysteries of your soul’s purpose and potential. Secure your spot today and prepare for a transformative experience that will lead you to deeper insights and heightened awareness.
June 5, 2024 | 6:30-8:00 PM MST
Soul Contract I: The Series
We are delighted to introduce a newly formatted "Soul Contract I: The Series," which marks a significant evolution from our past offerings. This 10-session series is carefully designed to span 10 weeks, allowing ample time between sessions for participants to deeply engage with the material, perform the exercises, and truly absorb the transformative insights.
Starting June 8, the series includes alternating Saturdays from 11:15 AM to 12:45 PM MT for detailed lectures and Wednesdays from 6:00 PM to 7:00 PM MT for interactive Q&A sessions.
This refreshed format emphasizes the crucial aspects of journaling and meditation, each meticulously integrated into our Saturday lectures. The extended period between sessions is intended to give participants the necessary space to reflect on and apply the teachings, enhancing the learning experience and promoting substantial personal and spiritual growth.
"Soul Contract I: The Series" is perfect for those new to the concept of Soul Contracts and those looking to deepen their existing knowledge and practice.
Each session builds upon the last, beginning with basic concepts and moving towards more complex applications, including techniques for releasing and mastering soul contracts.
Join us for this enriched journey through "Soul Contract I: The Series." Here, you will lay down a robust foundation of knowledge and practice that will support your spiritual development. Register now to secure your place in this transformative series and start a profound exploration of your soul’s deepest contracts.
Soul Contract II: Release & Support
Building on the foundational principles explored in the Soul Contract I Series, the newly formatted Soul Contract II: Release & Support class offers an enriching 1.5-hour session to deepen your understanding and engagement with Soul Contract work.
This class emphasizes a more intensive approach to journaling and meditation. It provides essential tools and guided instruction to help participants navigate the complexities of their Soul Contracts with greater ease and awareness.
In this advanced session, you will receive continued healing support to release and transform anchoring energies that may be limiting your spiritual growth and personal evolution. Through focused discussions, meditative practices, and interactive exercises, participants will learn to identify and dissolve persistent blocks, facilitating a clearer path toward fulfilling their soul's purpose.
This class is ideal for those previously engaged with the Soul Contract I: The Series. It is perfect for anyone looking to reinforce their learning and expand their ability to apply these insights in everyday life. Join us to embrace the next step in your spiritual journey, release lingering energetic binds, and support your ongoing transformation with the wisdom of Soul Contract work.
Classes will be held on Wednesdays and Thursdays, starting May 15 and ending June 13, from 5:00 to 6:30 PM MT.
Don't miss this opportunity to deepen your practice in a supportive and immersive environment.
Please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly at
See you Soon!